
Why choose us

Our personalized service makes the difference

Have table.... Will travel

You are why we do what we do. Providing you with the best possible experience every time you walk through our doors is our primary focus.

Custom Aromatherapy

We are committed to using only 100% natural and synthetic-free products for all of our services.  Our skin care lines are so pure, you can literally eat them.

Professionally Licensed & Certified

Our priority is great service and an even better experience. We value all of our clients and will do our best to make sure you are completely satisfied.

Our Philosophy

You are why we do what we do. Providing you with the best possible experience every time you walk through our doors is our primary focus.

Because of you, we seek out the most cutting edge products, services, equipment and training. You have chosen to entrust us with your wellness and we take that trust very seriously.

Services we offer

Learn what having a professional massage can do for you

Swedish Massage

Please come feel the relaxing 60 to 90 minute massage. Let all of your stress and cares be taken away as you’re are taken to a state of relaxation

Upper Body

Need a quick 30 minutes on just your back and neck or would you like 45 mins for the whole upper body. Come in and relieve back tension, neck and upper body aches. Leave feeling relaxed and rejuvenated

MyoFascial Massage

Enjoy this muscle tension and tightness releasing 75 min Massage. It is a very slow deep pressure massage alone the fascial lines to help with inflammation

Orthopedic Stretching & Massage

Preparing for a sporting event, contact us for a 30 to 45 minute invigorating massage. Leave feeling energized and aware

Prenatal Massage

Schedule an appointment today for 30 to 60 minutes to relieve backaches, leg cramps, and swelling. To feel stress free and invigorated

Custom Spa Products

We offer, bath fizzes and oils of a special blend upon request. Tell your therapist your favorite scents and let them create an environment filled with them during one of your treatments. Scents available for purchase upon request


See what our clients say

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Kyle W.

Contact Us

Call: 706-843-1600

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87 Tennesee hwy., Washington, DC, USA, 22406 Phone/Fax: 555-234-6789 Email: aphrodite@demolink.org